Epping Forest Colours
Sunday 17 Nov
(1 day, 6 spaces)

Autumn is the most fantastic time of year for vibrant tree colours, and nowhere is that more evident than in Epping Forest during November. The beech, oak and hornbeam trees turn into an amazing canopy of gold, yellow, oranges and russet brown. Colour photography is an absolute delight, from vistas across the tree canopy, to portraits of individual trees and wonderful abstracts of branches and leaves. Tom Peck will lead 2 x one-day workshops - he knows the Forest intimately, as he lives in Epping - and will guide the group to his favourite locations. These include Loughton Meanders, where the stream snakes through the forest floor creating lovely sinuous lead-in lines; Wake Valley Pond - fantastic for reflections of the forest canopy in the still water; Woodbury Hollow near Loughton for views across the top of the Forest and Ambresbury Banks, an Iron Age fort, deep in the heart of the Forest. All locations are easy access (the Forest has an extensive network of well maintained paths). Lunch will be in a pub in the Forest. Start: 10am - finish: when the last golden light fades…
Cost: £95 pp. (deposit £25). (6 places).
If you require accommodation please let Tom know and he can recommend B&B and hotels nearby.
Bookings to Tom Peck (07515 549485) please: thomaspeck1@me.com