Improve your Photoshop Skills. Pls contact Tom to arrange dates

"Tom is extremely knowledgeable about the technical and creative aspects of photography and Photoshop. He is patient and very good at ensuring you get the best tailored tuition by adjusting his teaching style and pace to suit your individual learning needs. Using your own images to work on means you are able to remember the different editing and processing steps more easily. Tom supplements the one-one teaching session with written material to summarise the lesson which is extremely useful. I would highly recommend his Photoshop course. " Karen Gibbon, Loughton Camera Club, Mar 2021
PS can seem daunting at first. This short course is designed to help photographers master the tools so they can confidently produce images that 'pop'. It is aimed at beginners to intermediaries. Tuition is 1-to-1, via Zoom, and we take it at your pace. No prior knowledge of PS is required. We work on a combination of your images, and Tom's, so you can see how the techniques benefit your own images. The course covers the following areas:
Selecting an image: Inspiration, Pre-visualization (deciding what it should look like before you start), How to 'see' and select the 'right' image from your files
Raw file preparation: Why bother with Raw vs jpeg, Understanding the histogram, Key tools (exposure, white balance, contrast, clarity), How to deal with exposure 'problems' - shadow/highlight detail, controlling black/white points), Profile corrections and solving chromatic aberration
Initial post-processing: Cropping, Cleaning up the file (how & why to use the clone stamp vs spot healing vs patch tool), Why curves is better than levels to give impact, How to draw the eye through an image - localised post-processing
More advanced processing: Converting to B/W, Making & using selections (hard vs soft), Using colour to make selections, Neural filters, Sky replacement, High pass sharpening
Using Nik Filters: A deeper look at Silver Efex Pro2 for B/W conversion, Colour enhancement with Colour Efex and Viveza, Deal with grain & noise (Dfine2), Sharpening for screen vs Print (Sharpener Pro 3), Banish converging verticals for ever - the amazing Perspective Efex
Printing: Preparing an image for print (borders, resolution, calibration), Sizing images for print, Choosing the best media for your print, Matt vs Gloss inks
Cost: The course is charged at £20 per hour. The whole course lasts 5-6 hours. If you wish to go through the whole course then the price is capped at £100. If you wish to select areas to focus on then the price will be adjusted according to how much time is taken.
Please contact Tom Peck (07515 549485) or at